Our take on Apalachee High School

Everything is on the table.

That’s what lawmakers told Georgians when the fake news asked what gun control laws the Georgia General Assembly will pass after the Apalachee High School MURDERS in Winder, GA last Wednesday that left four dead and more wounded.

In the MINUTES after the 14-year-old killer’s spree was over, Democrats partnered with some of Georgia’s worst RINOs to make it clear they are launching a full-scale attack on our gun rights — and it’s going to happen fast!

Please sign the petition that I have prepared for you, insisting that your state legislators reject the gun control agenda that is coming at us like a freight train here in Georgia!


Kamala Harris and the gun control crowds in Washington, D.C. and Atlanta didn’t even wait for the blood to dry at Apalachee High in Winder before they started demanding gun control.

You see, this isn’t about stopping mass shootings for them.

They view these shootings as an opportunity to ram their entire gun-control agenda into law, hoping that gun owners are too demoralized to fight back.

Never mind the fact that the killer was underage and wouldn’t be affected by ‘Universal Background Checks.’ Never mind the FBI already knew about him and didn’t arrest him for his online threats to shoot up his school.

Never mind the fact that over 92% of all mass shootings take place in so-called ‘Gun Free Zones,’ where you and I can’t fight back because of insane state and federal laws.

And never mind the fact that no gun control law will ever stop a committed, violent criminal from carrying out a crime because criminals will simply use other weapons — like Damaris Milton did when she went on a stabbing spree in the Atlanta airport last fall!

But none of this matters to the gun-grabbers, who have made it clear that “everything is on the table.”

In fact, less than 24 hours after the shooting occurred, Republicans in the Georgia Senate held a “Safe Firearms Storage Study Committee” meeting at the capitol in Atlanta!

It was sickening, because every gun-control idea they are considering plays right into the hands of the Radical Left.

State Senator Emanual Jones brazenly emphasized the Democrat motto of never letting a crisis go to waste and blurted:

“We have an opportunity in Georgia. It’s time we seize this moment, this opportunity, to move forward” on passing gun-control.

Watching the meeting unfold, it is clear there are three primary threats that we are facing when the legislature reconvenes:

>>>  First, is ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation.’

This is the biggest threat because so many RINO’s support the idea. That’s why it has passed in a few Republican legislatures (Florida, Indiana for examples).

‘Red Flag’ laws obliterate due-process rights for gun owners by giving liberal judges the power to order your guns confiscated at secret, ex-parte court hearings that you don’t even know are happening.

Rubber-stamped by activist judges nearly every single time, these “complaints” can be filed by nearly anyone: a bitter ex, a deranged former girlfriend, a politically driven prosecutor… the list is endless.

The point is, you lose your gun rights without ever being arrested, indicted, or convicted of a single crime.

>>>  “Mental Health” reforms.

The term “mental health” when used by the Left and RINOs alike is synonymous with “gun control.” They use the term as camouflage for the entire gun-control agenda.

One of the “mental health” reforms proposed at the Thursday morning “Safe Firearms Storage Study Committee” meeting was a permit to purchase a firearm conditional upon a psychological evaluation.

Oh, and the “mental health” experts administering the gun purchase exams are the same “experts” that responsible for signing off on child mutilation surgeries and psychotropic drug use in teens.

>>>  Mandatory Gun Lockups in government-approved storage compartments.

This one is super nefarious because it sounds so innocent. It is anything but, because mandatory gun lockup laws empower two parties: criminals and criminal governments.

The whole point of owning a firearm is that you have it in case you need it, and when seconds count, these laws are deadly.

Government enforcement of these laws is a whole new level of tyranny because these laws virtually always allow government inspectors to invade your home in order to verify that you are storing your firearms in a way they’ve approved of.

These are only a handful of the proposals that Georgia’s worst gun-control advocates introduced at Thursday’s study committee as “solutions” to stopping the killers targeting schools.

We need your help to stop all of these, which is why I need you to sign your petition immediately!


Never mind the fact that they’ve kicked God out of our schools, teach kids there is no right or wrong, pump kids full of puberty and gender blockers and then pump them full of psychotropic drugs…

Of course they didn’t. Those are the cultural problems that are manufacturing these monsters.

But after reading this list, I’m sure you will agree that none of these bills will do anything to stop crime, as criminals will simply ignore every single one of these provisions.

I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely done being blamed by the media for the actions of violent criminals that are being manufactured by the Left’s policies.

And I’m sick and tired of Republicans refusing to stand up and fight back in the court of public opinion!

But just because the RINOs, the Democrats and the Fake News media in Atlanta want to punish lawful gun owners like you and me and using the excuse of a killer to do it doesn’t mean that it’s going to pass through the legislature without a fight.

That’s why it’s so important that you sign your petition, telling your lawmakers to REJECT the Radical Left’s gun-control agenda when session resumes!


Georgia Gun Owners team has been working around the clock since this shooting, getting ready for what promises to be a nasty fight in Atlanta when the legislature reconvenes.

With your help, we are preparing to mobilize as many gun owners as possible before floor votes can be held, by:

  • Cranking up the pressure on state lawmakers with targeted social media — going district by district — making sure that every gun owner knows to contact their lawmakers!
  • Deploying an additional 50,000 pieces of direct mail with built in petitions so that gun owners can take action, reminding their legislators that they are watching their votes very closely.
  • Rapidly expanding our email program to provide up to the moment updates as this fight and the legislation we are up against come into focus. Our pre-written emails to lawmakers are feared by many lawmakers, but we hope to take it to a whole new level.
  • Unleashing a round of radio and TV ads the day before the vote, if we can afford it, to inundate Atlanta with calls from angry gun owners!

These steps are in addition to the lobbying work that Georgia Gun Owners is doing in the Capitol, the countless media interviews that we are granting, and the meetings we are having with leadership — all to make sure that every lawmaker knows that they will pay a price for supporting gun control!

It’s a full court press; it needs to be, as we are under assault from Republicans, Democrats, and the media.

But this program won’t even get off the ground if I can’t write the check to pay for it all.

Simply put, fundraising this time of year is not easy for non-profit organizations like Georgia Gun Owners, as people are busy with school and focused on the Presidential Elections.

I need your help to run this program, and I need it as soon as possible.

Some of you are able to make major investments in this fight and can afford to contribute $1,000 or even $2,500. If that describes you, I hope you’ll be as generous as you can.

Of course, I know that not everyone can do that. Bidenomics has inflicted damage on everyone’s wallets.

But I hope you know that any gift — from $500, $100, $50 or even just $25 — will be very helpful as we gear up for this fight.

I don’t know what you can afford, I only hope that whatever that amount is, you can rush it to me right away (along with your signed petition) so that I can get ready for this fight!

The media, the Democrats and the Fake News are counting on gun owners to sit quietly in the shadows, hoping that we are too ashamed to stand tall and fight for our gun rights while they try to take a sledgehammer to them.

But they’ve got another thing coming!

This country was built on a love of freedom and that love was secured by firearms in the hands of everyday patriots who were willing to fight for their freedom — a fight that continues to this day.

I’m proud to be a gun owner and I’m damn proud to stand alongside thousands of other Georgians like you in this wonderful state as we fight to defend our heritage of freedom!

If you agree with me, then please take action immediately!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owner

P.S. In the wake of the Apalachee High School murders last week, the Fake News, RINO’s and gun-grabbing Democrats in Atlanta are going ALL-IN to leverage the tragedy into legislative victory for their gun-control agenda.

This fight will certainly include a push for ‘Red Flag’ gun confiscation, a catch-all ‘mental health reform’ bill and more — and it’s going to happen fast!

Please sign the petition that we’ve prepared for you, insisting that your state lawmakers block this legislation when session reconvenes!


And please consider your most generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25 to help us get ready for this fight!