Today marks the kick-off of the 2025 Georgia Legislative Session, and boy, do we have our work cut out for us!
First off, a huge thanks to each one of you for what you did last year. You all stood firm; it made a hell of a difference, and vastly increased our chances of success over the next two years.
Now, let’s talk a little shop.
With Trump back in the White House and setting the standard for what you actually DO with political power, we’ve got a golden window to push for some real change here in Georgia, too.
Renew Your Membership for 2025!
There are a lot of things on the to-do list for the next two years. And there are some defensive fights we need to engage in. Either way, your lawmakers need to hear from you on:
>>> Passing the Second Amendment Preservation Act — which bans the federal government from using Georgia cops to enforce federal gun control laws!
With President Trump in office, now is the time to do this because we won’t have to worry about a hostile DOJ trying to repeal it, and it’ll be in place for the next Democratic President.
Send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your Senator and Representative, urging them to publicly support GGO’s SAPA legislation in 2025!
>>> Enhancing Stand-Your-Ground law — Georgia code presumes that if gun owners use a firearm in a self-defense situation, we’re guilty. That means that instead of the state needing to prove our guilt, gun owners need to prove our innocence.
That gives all of the power to the state! 20 states have fixed this, Georgia hasn’t.
Our legislation will fix all of these problems!
Send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your Senator and Representative, urging them to publicly support GGO’s enhanced Stand-Your-Ground law in 2025!
>>> Defeat deadly ‘Safe Storage Laws’ — which requires Georgians to lock up our guns almost 24 hours a day. This would make it illegal to have a gun on your nightstand, but it wouldn’t stop criminals!
Republicans all over the country are backing this legislation, saying they need to ‘do something’ about crime. This will only get innocent Georgian’s assaulted and murdered.
Send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your Senator and Representative, urging them to oppose any effort to passed deadly ‘Safe Storage’ laws in 2025!
We’re here to fight for your Second Amendment freedoms because it’s our pleasure and our duty. Let’s roll up our sleeves and make these next two years count.
Together, we can make Georgia a beacon of gun rights across the nation.
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners