Vote Likely on Assault Weapons Ban This Week!

As we told you days ago, Joe Biden’s so called ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ has passed through the House Judiciary Committee. And now we’re hearing this bill may be voted on in the House THIS WEEK! 

This bill would make felons of countless Georgians who own a 30-round magazine, an AR-15, or any of the 200+ firearms specifically outlawed in this bill! 

Representatives Jerry Nadler, Sheila Jackson, Lucy McBath, and the rest of the Radical Left were all too happy to rush this bill through Committee, hoping to lock in a floor vote before Congress recesses for the summer. 

You see, Biden and Pelosi know that if they don’t finish passing their radical gun control agenda before the November elections  –- where they know they might lose their majority –- they might not get a second chance.


With a lengthy summer recess fast approaching in D.C., our sources are telling us that Pelosi is working overtime to schedule a full vote on H.R. 1808 for this week! 

Dozens of anti-gun RINOs voted for Biden’s gun control just last month in the House and Senate, so we can’t take anything for granted right now. 

Instead, we need to double down on our Congressional delegation and demand they not only vote “NO” — but stand up and oppose it publicly!

Georgia Gun Owner’s team is working around the clock to defeat this legislation…pouring on pressure with every tool we have like targeted digital ads, our state-of-the-art texting program, emails, and direct mail. 

These tools allow gun owners to FLOOD Congress with calls and emails demanding that our Congressional delegation VOTE NO! 

But every one of these tools cost money to use, and like every American out there, our resources are being affected by Bidenflation at ridiculous rates! 


Please help ensure that we have the ability to reach every gun owner in the state about this upcoming vote on H.R. 1808 before it’s too late!

If Joe Biden and his handlers are able to pass this legislation — and take away our right to buy modern firearms — then we’ll lose our ability to hold our government in check. 

And history makes it clear what happens to a largely disarmed population ruled by a tyrannical (and well-armed) government. 

We must defeat this bill!  

So please, make an immediate donation so we can keep the pressure on! 

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. Joe Biden’s so called ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ has passed out of the House Judiciary Committee and is ready for a vote in the full House. 

Our sources indicate that Pelosi may be scheduling a vote on this bill — which would ban over 200 different firearms — for this week! 

Help us mobilize as many gun owners as possible so that we can defeat this bill, before it’s too late!


Our forefathers and our grandfathers fought for our rights. Now it’s our turn to ensure that our grandchildren can enjoy these same freedoms! The fight is upon us! Stand with us NOW!