Video: Constitutional Carry Passes Judiciary Committee!

Thanks to an avalanche of calls and emails from GGO members, the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Committee passed Constitutional Carry (SB-319) last night by a vote of 6-3!

Gun-grabbers and radical leftist politicians spent a lot of time spreading outright lies about the impact of Constitutional Carry, but we did not let them get away with it.

While testimony was limited to just two minutes, I was proud to speak on behalf of GGO members and even prouder to be able to attack the fake ‘studies’ being cited by Senator Elena Parent.

Check out my testimony here or by clicking below.

As I said in my remarks, this isn’t about policy anymore. This is about freedom: the freedom for law-abiding Georgians to carry a firearm without having to be tracked by their own government!

If you agree, then please help us because Michael Bloomberg’s forces are doing everything they can to try to kill the bill before it gets to the Senate floor for a vote.

SB-319 is headed to the Senate Rules Committee and will likely be voted on TOMORROW! That’s why I hope you’ll immediately contact the members of this committee using our automated system and urge them to advance Constitutional Carry with no amendments!


Please don’t lay this aside and come back to it later. The Rules Committee will likely be taking this bill up as early as Thursday, so they need to hear from you today.

After you’ve sent your PRE-WRITTEN EMAILS to the committee please consider becoming a member of Georgia Gun Owners so that we can fight for you in Atlanta!


For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. GGO’s Constitutional Carry legislation Senate Bill 319 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee last night and is headed to the Rules Committee!

To watch my testimony before the committee on behalf of GGO, see the link above.

Then, please email the Rules Committee members using our automated program and insist that they advance SB-319 with no weakening amendments!


And to become a member of Georgia Gun Owners and stand with us in the fight to pass Constitutional Carry in Atlanta, go here!