Early voting is underway here in Georgia, and I wanted to remind everyone how crucial it is to get out and vote, especially for gun owners like you and me.
You have until November 1st to cast your vote early, so do not wait until the last minute!
Like most Americans, we favor day-of, in-person, on-paper voting where every voter proves they’re legal to vote!
But because the system that we have allows for this election ‘window,’ along with the variety of ways to vote, gun owners should take advantage of them at every opportunity.
(NOTE: After you have finished reading this email, please make a small contribution to Georgia Gun Owners’ efforts to mobilize the gun vote. These efforts are expensive, but they are totally necessary.)
The fact is, at Georgia Gun Owners we’ve never subscribed to the idea of “losing with our heads held high.”
We fight to win, and now is the time to do just that.
Here’s a couple of reasons you should vote early:
- Early voting means shorter lines and more flexible hours.
Most boards of elections are open from 7 AM to 7 PM on weekdays and Saturdays. You can typically get in and out in 10-15 minutes. For specific information on your district’s hours, click here.
- Avoid Election Day Issues: Last-minute problems like long lines, bad weather, or unexpected personal emergencies won’t stop you from voting.
I don’t want ever want you to be in a car accident. And for the sake of everyone, I CERTAINLY don’t want you to be in a car accident at 5:30pm on November 5th, but if you’ve voted already you wouldn’t have to worry about it.
Again, just be aware of the dangers of waiting.
If something comes up on Election Day, you might miss your chance to vote, and believe me, EVERY VOTE COUNTS in defending our Second Amendment rights.
The fact is, in these elections, I don’t care HOW you vote, but just THAT you vote.
We believe the Radical Left when they stand at their Fake News camera podiums and shout about how they’re going to take our guns away.
Joe Biden shouts “Ban ‘em. Ban Assault Weapons,” and Kamala Harris cackles about how she is going to do “mandatory gun buybacks.”
Like you, I know that our gun rights are what protect ALL of our freedoms, but the Left knows that too.
That’s why they are mobilizing the masses for full-blown tyranny, and they’re doing it right out in the open now.
Back in the 1800’s, the phrase “Four boxes govern the world: cartridge box, ballot box, jury box and the soap box.”
We don’t want it to ever get to the cartridge box, and right now in 2024 we want to make sure that the ballot box is utilized to its MAXIMUM potential.
Our rights are on the line more right now than they have ever been in our lifetimes, and your vote is a critical part in protecting those rights.
It’s time for Georgia’s gun vote to THUNDER at the polls, starting now and going all the way through November 5th!
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners
P.S. Please chip in $20 or $50 dollars to help us mobilize the gun vote.
Mobilizing voters is expensive, and we don’t have billionaire activists funding us like the Radical Left does.
I know this economy is wreaking havoc on family budgets, but please contribute what you can when you can.