Whereas: Urged on by a bi-partisan legislative committee, the politicians in Atlanta are filing over a dozen gun control bills that would destroy the Second Amendment here in Georgia; and
Whereas: Deadly ‘safe storage’ laws would force Georgians to lock up their guns virtually 24 hours a day, giving the upper hand to violent criminals who will obviously ignore this law; and
Whereas: Waiting periods on gun sales limit the self-defense options of law-abiding Georgians, who will be attacked by criminals while waiting for government permission to buy a gun; and
Whereas: ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ allow liberal judges to order the confiscation of a Georgian’s guns before he’s even been charged (let alone convicted) of a crime; and
Whereas: Gun owners in many ‘red’ states have been betrayed by ‘pro-gun majorities’ over the years.
Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on the bills above. Georgia Gun Owners will keep me informed on your votes.