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Help Us Stop ‘Gun Free Zone’ Expansion!

Everyone knows that ‘Gun Free’ zones only benefit criminals. That’s why criminals choose churches and schools to carry out their wicked actions.

They know that ‘Gun Free’ zones mean they are not likely to be stopped by one of dozens of law-abiding citizens who would otherwise be carrying a firearm to defend themselves.

Normally we’d expect an attack on our 2nd Amendment to come from one of the many Democrats in the House, but not this time!

Republican Rep. Rick Jasperse’s HB-472 would allow the World Congress Center to fence off the PUBLIC grounds around the campus and declare them ‘Gun Free!’

Don’t forget, the World Congress Center belongs to you and me, the tax-paying citizens of Georgia. It’s OUR property. How dare they try and tell us we can’t carry there!

We need to shut this bill down, HARD, otherwise we could see any number of other public properties added to the list!

Help us do this! Send your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the House Public Safety Committee, demanding that they VOTE NO on HB-472, or any version that the bill sponsor or any sub-committee bring forward!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Georgia Gun Owners so we can keep fighting for you in Atlanta and in D.C.! You can get involved at!