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Don’t You Dare Attack My Gun Rights!

Whereas: The Fake News, RINO’s and the gun-grabbing Democrats in Atlanta are using the murder of four Georgians to advance a radical gun control agenda, even though none of the proposed measures would have stopped the Apalachee shooting; and

Whereas: ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ would confiscate firearms from law-abiding gun owners before they have ever been arrested, charged, tried in a court of law or convicted of any underlying crime; and

Whereas: ‘Mental Health Reform’ is a gun-grabber’s catch-all codeword for “gun-control” and would empower the same “medical professionals” that failed America during the lockdowns to have total control over who can own what guns; and

Whereas: The best way to stop school killers is by training qualified teachers to be the first line of defense for students and hiring American Veterans to guard our schools.

Therefore: I insist that you oppose every single inch of this radical gun-control agenda, and please know that I will remember your votes during your next election!

Once you’ve signed your petition, take the next step and become a member of Georgia Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Atlanta and in D.C.! Get involved at!