With the 2022 legislative session in the books, Georgia Gun Owners has shifted our focus to the upcoming primary and general elections — as these midterms are going to be explosive! As Georgia’s leading voice for gun owners, GGO will be working overtime to...
It was a political fight that spanned six election cycles in Atlanta and involved over a million calls and emails from GGO Nation, creating a tidal wave of crushing political pressure that Georgia had never seen before. But on April 12, 2022, Georgia became the...
Joe Biden’s political impotence at passing gun control in the Senate means that the only way he can repay his debt to Michael Bloomberg for installing him in the White House is via Executive Orders — orders that will be enforced by the ATF. And that’s why Biden...
This is ugly. We’ve been warning you for a long time that the UN Small Arms Treaty would give the Communist Chinese the ability to know what guns you own, as the treaty tracks all ‘end users’ of firearms. While failed basketball player Lebron James and Hollywood...
This is happening fast. Next week a committee of the United Nations — a globalist cabal of international gun-grabbers who want to destroy America — are meeting in Europe to continue working on the Small Arms Treaty! When President Trump was in the White...