There’s a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2021 (S. 319) TODAY at 4:00 PM in Room 307 of the CLOB. Thanks to your tireless grassroots activism – calls, emails and petitions – State Senator Jason Anavitarte’s S. 319 has more...
Thanks to a dazzling combination of personal incompetence, political weakness, and a total inability to see what’s happening to his own party — Joe Biden’s gun control agenda is collapsing in Congress. But that doesn’t mean that Biden is no longer a threat. The...
The 2022 legislative session has kicked off in Atlanta and thanks to your efforts, Constitutional Carry is at the forefront of the freedom debate in Georgia. While GGO is revving for a massive push for this bill in Georgia, we also have to look at what’s happening in...
While Georgia Gun Owners is fighting like hell to advance Constitutional Carry in Atlanta, our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association, is doing everything they can to advance Stand-Your-Ground law in D.C.! With Biden’s war on guns in Congress...
While Georgia Gun Owners is leading the fight for Constitutional Carry in Atlanta, we’re also working on the Second Amendment Preservation Act. You see, while Biden can’t seem to pass ANYTHING through the Senate right now, that doesn’t mean he can’t hammer on our...