Demand That They Take Action in Atlanta!

Demand That They Take Action in Atlanta!

The 2022 session of the Georgia General Assembly will be kicking off in less than three weeks, and thanks to the pressure of GGO members like you, Constitutional Carry will be a MAJOR ISSUE! Brian Kemp promised gun owners he would fight for Constitutional Carry when...
Twelve Days Left in Your GGO Membership!

Twelve Days Left in Your GGO Membership!

Your 2021 membership in Georgia Gun Owners will expire in just twelve more days! If you’ve already renewed your membership for 2022 and our records just haven’t updated in time, then I apologize for this unnecessary reminder and want to thank you for your ongoing...
Must Watch Video: Bi-Partisan Gun Control Bill Coming Fast!

Must Watch Video: Bi-Partisan Gun Control Bill Coming Fast!

While most people are winding down the week and making their final preparations before celebrating Christmas with their families next weekend — Dianne Feinstein is putting the finishing touches on a massive gun control bill in D.C.! What’s more, Feinstein has...
Will You Help Us Fight in 2022?

Will You Help Us Fight in 2022?

The 2022 war over our Second Amendment kicks off in just two weeks and it’s going to be a WILD YEAR! Already anti-gun politicians and Bloomberg-funded organizations across the country are ramping up their rhetoric, claiming that gun owners like you and me are the...
GOP Joins Dianne Feinstein in Unveiling Massive Gun Control Bill!

GOP Joins Dianne Feinstein in Unveiling Massive Gun Control Bill!

Gun owners have fought every single day this year to stop Joe Biden and the crazed leftists in Washington, D.C. who are trying to destroy our precious Second Amendment freedoms. But now, backstabbing RINO Republicans have agreed to help the radical left in their fight...