These are the 10 TRAITOR Republican Senators announced as having cut a deal with gun-grabbing Democrat Senator Chris Murphy (CT) on GUN CONTROL! The main focus of this “framework” is billions of taxpayer dollars being sent to the states to pass and...
Less than a week ago we warned you that if the Democrats smelled blood in the water on gun control, they would press the advantage and go for everything. Democrats in D.C. know that if they focus exclusively on passing the Senate gun control bill, Nancy Pelosi’s H.R....
SHOCKING. That’s what most gun owners have said when they see how much the NRA has spent electing anti-gun Republicans to the U.S. Senate. The chart below lists 8 of the 10 Republican Senators who have signed onto the recently released “Red Flag” gun...
This is the headline sweeping the internet right now. NRA endorsed RINO Republicans are lining up with Chuck Schumer to pass some form of gun control bill, the text of which has not been released yet. What we know is that Red Flag Gun Confiscation FUNDING for all 50...
As we feared, Democrats are going all in on their gun control push since they’ve been able to make so many RINOs capitulate on this Senate gun control package. Just yesterday Nancy Pelosi told reporters she’s “VERY EXCITED!” about the Senate’s gun control proposal and...