As we told you last week, despite Joe Biden attacking the Second Amendment every other day, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is doing nothing about it. McCarthy is refusing to put a gun bill on the floor for a vote. He won’t even send a pro-gun bill to the...
While RINOs here in Atlanta grant gun control hearings to the Radical Left, we’re only 76 days away from Biden unleashing on us! As you’ll see in the video below unless the Georgia General Assembly passes the Second Amendment Preservation Act(SAPA), not...
Things are happening fast here, so I’ll be quick. The RINOs in leadership have caved and are giving the Radical Left a hearing on gun control tomorrow morning! I’ve recorded a quick video breaking down this dangerous gun control bill for you. You can watch it here. As...
Things have taken a radical turn here in Atlanta. House and Senate leaders have taken deliberate steps to lock the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) down in committee, doing all they can to suffocate the bill’s momentum. Instead, the House Majority Leader is...
What if I told you that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to bring a Second Amendment bill for a vote on the floor of the House? Or that he supported the “bump stock” ban and Dianne Feinstein’s “FIX NICS” database expansion? ALL these things are true. Quite...
Now that an Obama appointed, lower court judge temporarily struck down Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act, the gun community nationwide is buzzing about SAPA. That’s because SAPA is far from an average gun bill. While SAPA does protect gun owners from...