Even though we are months away from the start of the 2022 legislative session here in Georgia, GGO is hard at work meeting with lawmakers and explaining our Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) legislation. This bill should have passed last session but didn’t. And...
Utah, Montana, Iowa, Tennessee, and Texas. Five states — ten percent of America — have enacted Constitutional Carry legislation this year alone! And if the Louisiana legislature overrides Governor Edwards’ veto, we will see a sixth state added to the list...
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are promising to deliver a major gun control victory to Michael Bloomberg and the gun-control mob who put them in power last year, before the 2022 midterms. That’s why Pelosi’s allies just filed a massive new gun control bill in D.C., a...
Our country is rapidly turning from a nation where ‘We the People’ are in charge, to a totalitarian regime where the government thinks they have the right to dictate every aspect of our lives. I am sure that most of us can look back on our childhoods and remember a...
Ever since the Brett Kavanaugh hearings in 2018, the leftists who want to turn this great nation into a socialist hellhole have made bogus legal threats and ‘cancel culture’ tactics a part of their standard arsenal. But when Joe Biden moved into the White House and...
While we lead the fight to pass Constitutional Carry law here in Georgia next session, GGO is also spearheading the fight to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act! This legislation is spreading across the country and would require Georgia’s peace officers to...