Kevin McCarthy Betrays Gun Owners…Again!

Kevin McCarthy Betrays Gun Owners…Again!

What if I told you that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to bring a Second Amendment bill for a vote on the floor of the House? Or that he supported the “bump stock” ban and Dianne Feinstein’s “FIX NICS” database expansion? ALL these things are true. Quite...
Tell Your Congressman: Co-Sponsor These Two Bills!

Tell Your Congressman: Co-Sponsor These Two Bills!

While GGO is busy working on passing the Second Amendment Preservation Act and enhancing Georgia’s Stand-Your-Ground law, the gun rights battle is raging in Congress, too. Biden’s allies are filing gun control bills left and right, trying to ban AR-15s, register gun...
Breaking: Massive Gun Control Push Underway in Atlanta!

Breaking: Massive Gun Control Push Underway in Atlanta!

Things have taken a radical turn here in Atlanta. House and Senate leaders have taken deliberate steps to lock the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) down in committee, doing all they can to suffocate the bill’s momentum. Instead, the House Majority Leader is...
Biden Video: I’ll Ban AR-15’s Come Hell or High Water!

Biden Video: I’ll Ban AR-15’s Come Hell or High Water!

Joe Biden is hell bent on banning AR-15s this year! Earlier this week, when speaking at a Democratic Caucus issues conference in Baltimore, Biden made it clear that banning ‘assault weapons’ is his highest priority this Congress. We all know why. Joe Biden is a...
Video: Communist China Slams American Second Amendment!

Video: Communist China Slams American Second Amendment!

Gun owners are growing enraged as they learn about the UN Small Arms Treaty and its ramifications for the Second Amendment in America — and they should be. The UN Small Arms Treaty would destroy our gun rights forever, by subjecting them to the whims of...