Three Republican candidates for Governor in Georgia have so far refused to say whether they will return their 2018 Georgia Gun Owners Candidate Survey: Hunter Hill | Brian Kemp | Casey Cagle Second Amendment supporters need to know specific answers to specific...
“This is crazy! I never thought I’d live to see so many people in Georgia fighting to destroy the Second Amendment. I need to become a member now!” That’s what Sterling, from Valdosta, told us over the phone last night as many of you have contacted us about the...
Tuesday morning, anti-gun lawmakers, gun control groups, and the Fake News media were jumping up and down as another school shooting was playing out on national TV. Like all of the shootings before it, gun grabbers were hoping to use the news of the Maryland school...
Taking over Georgia is TOP on the priority list for those who wish to destroy our Second Amendment rights. This was headline last week in the USA Today: “San Francisco donor launches $2.5 million push to elect Georgia’s first African-American...
Capitol insiders tell me Georgia Republican State Rep. Christian Coomer (pictured above) from Cartersville has laid the framework for a massive NEW mental health mandate here in our state. This is dangerous, to say the least. Coomer’s House Bill 999 was...
Frequently I’m asked the question: “Who are my state legislators?” All Second Amendment grassroots activists need to know the answer to that question. Do you know the name of your State Representative? How about your State Senator? If not,...