While working the halls of the Capitol yesterday seeking support for Constitutional Carry, GGO staff ran into Public Safety Chairman Alan Powell. You may know Chairman Powell as the gatekeeper for Second Amendment legislation in his committee. He’s also the same...
“Democratic hopefuls for Georgia governor seek new gun restrictions” — Atlanta Journal-Constitution This headline appeared in the AJC recently, where two Democrats for Governor in Georgia spewed gun control talking points like they were...
Contact: Patrick Parsons Contact: 678.464.7399 Email: [email protected] On election night in 2016, gun owners saw their dreams come true as Hillary Clinton was defeated and President Trump was elected, thanks in no small measure to the tireless efforts of...
The gun control bill I warned you about just before Thanksgiving is scheduled for a hearing in DC — I need you to read this and take immediate action! Senator Feinstein (CA) and her sellout Republican ally John Cornyn (TX) are trying to fast track their gun...
Dear Georgia Gun Owners, Even as the 500+ victims from the October 1, 2017 shooting struggled for life in Las Vegas hospitals, gun-grabbers across America were already rushing to capitalize. From social media, to cable TV news and late-night comedy shows, the message...
Georgia Gun Owner, GGO is raffling off TWO Sig Sauer P229 Handguns — ONE .357 and ONE .40 S&W (both valued at $1,229) like the ones pictured below! The P229 is the standard issue firearm of the U.S. Secret Service! THERE WILL BE TWO WINNERS — YOU...