Don’t Give An Inch!

Don’t Give An Inch!

Dear Georgia Gun Owner, Even as the 500+ victims from the October 1, 2017 shooting struggled for life in Las Vegas hospitals, gun-grabbers across America were already rushing to capitalize. From social media, to cable TV news and late-night comedy shows, the message...
The noise you heard yesterday

The noise you heard yesterday

That noise you heard yesterday was Georgia Democrat Governor candidates Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans DEMANDING new gun control for Georgia. Abrams: “Lawmakers were too timid to challenge the Second Amendment.” Evans: “We need to take a look at guns...
Handgun Raffle happening now!

Handgun Raffle happening now!

Dear Georgia Gun Owner, The Georgia Gun Owners Double Sig Sauer P229 Handgun Raffle is happening now! We’re raffling off TWO Sig Sauer P229 Handguns — ONE .357 and ONE .40 S&W (both valued at $1,229) like the ones pictured below! THERE WILL BE TWO...
ANTIFA explodes at Georgia Tech

ANTIFA explodes at Georgia Tech

Late last night, Antifa thugs and Black Lives Matter exploded into violence on the campus of Georgia Tech in downtown Atlanta. The culmination of their violent “protest” was the burning of a Georgia Tech police car on campus. Georgia Gun Owners had...
Somebody has to say it

Somebody has to say it

Dear Georgia Gun Owner, By now you’ve heard about the left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter who attempted to kill Republican members of Congress this morning.As usual, the gun-grabbers took just minutes to litter social media outlets and Fake News networks with...
ALERT: Inmates On The Loose

ALERT: Inmates On The Loose

Dear Georgia Gun Owner, News out of Eatonton, Georgia (Putnam County) this morning that TWO prison guards have been killed . . .And TWO inmates are on the loose somewhere in Georgia.”A witness told investigators two inmates fled the scene in a 2004 dark green...