Georgia: Less Than Two Weeks Left!

Georgia: Less Than Two Weeks Left!

Georgia Gun Owners has spent months mobilizing GGO members and supporters to vote PRO-GUN on election day! With just 13 days left, we’re entering the home stretch. GGO staff and volunteers are working overtime making sure voters in every corner of the state know...
Home delivery this week

Home delivery this week

Georgia Gun Owners members will receive a physical copy of our 2016 Fall Newsletter delivered directly to their home this week. Our full color, eight page newsletter reviews the battles we fought in 2016 and previews the fights we will face with the gun-grabbers in...
Reminder: Last day

Reminder: Last day

Wanted to remind you that today is the last day to register to vote in the November 8 election here in Georgia. Even if you are already registered, please forward this email on to family, friends, and coworkers who support the Second Amendment who may not be...
Did you hear what she said?

Did you hear what she said?

Did you stay up for the debate last night?  There was by my count 2-3 minutes of gun-related talk. Did you hear Hillary Clinton mention “military-style” weapons? Those are liberal code words for firearms owned by hundreds of thousands of Georgians. Make no...
Constitutional Carry passes!

Constitutional Carry passes!

Congratulations are in order to Second Amendment supporters in Missouri . . . On January 1, 2017, their state will become the 11th “Constitutional Carry” state in the country. No longer will they be forced to pay a tax to the government or ask their permission (like...
Video: Gun-grabber defeated in Georgia

Video: Gun-grabber defeated in Georgia

Last month there was a major show down battle over the Second Amendment in the Georgia House District 8 Republican primary. Georgia Gun Owners member Matt Gurtler filled out his GGO Survey 100% in favor of your right to keep in bear arms.  His opponent, Kent Woerner,...