One of the hottest primaries in the State House last night was HD-100 in Gwinnett County, where two incumbents were going head-to-head in a battle over the Second Amendment.
David Clark has been a long-time supporter of the Second Amendment and Constitutional Carry, while Bonnie Rich was Speaker Ralston’s ‘girl.’
Rich was given control of a legislative committee her first day in office, an unprecedented move, and promoted to leadership fast. As part of Ralston’s leadership team, Rich did whatever Ralston told her to do, including killing gun bills!
In this primary, Rich REFUSED to sign the GGO survey and then attacked David Clark for missing the vote on Constitutional Carry — because he was deployed in the US Military!
It was ugly, and it backfired on Rich badly, as David Clark CRUSHED her in this primary by a margin of 59%-41% after gun owners learned the truth!
GGO took extreme pleasure in educating gun owners about where Clark and Rich stood on the Second Amendment using email, text campaigns, social media and our infamous ‘Whiteboard Videos!’
Our primary video in this race was seen by over 36,000 gun owners in the district — check it out here!
Thank you to everyone who helped share our videos, forwarded our emails, and passed around our text alerts in this race. It clearly had a major impact.
And a big thank you to every GGO member, as well. Your donations funded every part of this program last night and none of what we did could have happened without you!
But we all know that a major fight is coming this fall, as Crazy Stacey and the DNC work to plant their flag here in Georgia.
Stacey Abram’s goal is to undo everything that we’ve done here in Georgia. Stand-Your-Ground law, Constitutional Carry, Shall Issue…all of it will be on the line if she becomes Governor.
That’s why GGO needs to rebuild our war chest and gear up for the fall. We need to get these facts in front of every gun owner and everyone else who cares about freedom.
Please stand with us, and make a donation TODAY!
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners