Massive Victory for Gun Owners in Tuesday Night’s Primary!

Georgia Gun Owners’ primary election program was a TREMENDOUS VICTORY for gun voters!

For far too long, gun owners had virtually no recourse when they were screwed over by the politicians in Atlanta. The RINOs could stop pro-gun legislation, knowing the NRA and other so called ‘gun rights organizations’ would protect them.

And they did.

That’s why Georgia was one of the last ‘red’ states to pass Constitutional Carry and it’s why we, as a ‘red’ state, haven’t worked on any other real pro-gun legislation since.

But thanks to Georgia Gun Owners, gun owners can get the straight facts at election time, not the spin the RINOs in Atlanta feed them.

And armed with these facts, they can pick a candidate that WILL work for gun owners.

And boy did that pay off last night!

Let’s get into the breakdown

Defensive Victory

The best news first: the most pro-gun member of the Georgia Senate — who was being targeted by RINOs in and out of his direct — obliterated his opponent!

In Senate District 53, GGO’s lead bill sponsor for the Second Amendment Preservation Act, Colton Moore, emerged victorious in his primary with a stunning 70%-30% win!!

Gun voters utterly CRUSHED Angie Pence. Pence was the RINO choice to unseat Senator Moore, but she refused the GGO gun rights candidate questionnaire.

(Yes, Sen. Moore still has to win the general election, but it is non-competitive. He’ll be back in Atlanta next session!)

GGO spent heavily in this district, educating gun owners about the difference between Moore and Pence using a variety of tools. Our digital ads in this race were widely viewed.

One of these ads in the district was viewed by almost 200,000 gun voters and dominated the conversation for weeks!

The message that GGO members sent in this race was loud and clear: gun owners will always defend legislators who fight for our freedom in Atlanta!

Going on Offense

Defensive victories for gun voters are fun. But nothing compares to watching gun owners throw out RINO Republicans who have stabbed them in the back repeatedly!

And without a doubt, the biggest offensive upset of the night for GGO members was in House District 81.

Noelle Kahaian signed her GGO gun rights candidate survey with 100% pro-gun answers.

But Rep. Lauren Daniel was one of the biggest do nothing RINOs in Atlanta!

After promising to be a gun-rights champion when she ran for office in 2020, Daniel did nothing for gun owners for the last 2 years and refused to co-sponsor the Second Amendment Preservation Act.

When we began to expose her record in the district, Lauren turned to the NRA, hoping their endorsement would protect her.

It’s because of RINO backstabbers like Lauren Daniel and sellouts like the NRA that Georgia Gun Owners exists in the first place!

When we surveyed Noelle Kahaian and she responded 100% pro-gun, we immediately got to work telling voters in this district how Lauren Daniel hadn’t lifted a finger to protect gun owners from Joe Biden, and how Noelle Kahaian was itching to go to Atlanta and clean up her mess.

Thanks to your generous donations to help us get the word out, our digital ad exposing Lauren was viewed almost 79,000 times in district!

Armed with the truth, the voters from HD-81 stormed the polls and CRUSHED Lauren’s plans to go back to Atlanta with a resounding defeat.

Rock on, Noelle!

Lauren’s glorious defeat serves as a warning to the RINOs in Georgia, especially those who have done nothing to lead the charge. Gun owners never forget!

The victories that GGO members notched have reminded the legislature that if they work against our gun rights, or refuse to fight for them, gun voters will find someone else to do their job!

(Our social media team had a lot of fun celebrating Daniel’s defeat Tuesday night. Zoom in to read the words on the tombstone.)

Georgia Gun Owners was outspent by the RINOs and the groups that tried to defend them by orders of magnitude in these elections.

But GGO’s grassroots army is better than every other political force in Georgia, and we proved that when gun voters across the state showed up in a BIG way.

Because of you and your support for GGO, we were able to spend TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars exposing anti-gun RINOs and educating gun voters on where their candidates really stood.

But now that the Republican Primaries are over, we are turning our focus back to the General Election on November 5th, and the legislative session to kick off soon thereafter.

We’ve got a lot of work to do here at GGO when it comes to making forward progress on gun rights in Georgia.

I hope you’ll join with us in that effort by making a VICTORY chip-in contribution today, in honor of all of the success that you and I have enjoyed – and to help us continue fighting for you in Atlanta!

Whether you can afford to give $100, $25, or even $17.76, we would be honored to have your support for all the fights still to come!

This is YOUR victory, and you dang well deserve it.

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners