We’re under attack

We need your help today!

We’re in the middle of the biggest push for gun control that this country has seen since 1994!

At this very moment, the House Oversight Committee is conducting hearings on a package of gun control bills!

This Committee contains the worst of the worst here in Congress: AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Sheila Jackson and more.

We’re on the ground here today, in the Rayburn building, fighting back! And we need your help.


Everyone on Capitol Hill knows that Georgia Gun Owners and our national affiliate — the American Firearms Association — are leading the fight to stop this tyrannical agenda!

That’s why the Fake News and Every Town for Gun Safety’s Shannon Watts is attacking the American Firearms Association and “the Dorr Brothers.”

The tabloid HuffPost released an attack article shortly before, calling us all “Extremists” and attempting to stir up fake fear and outrage at our love for freedom and our total refusal to sell our freedoms to a mob of raging leftists!

Democrats and RINOs in the U.S. House and Senate are pushing massive gun control bills TODAY as groups like the NRA do deals in the back room over Red Flag Gun Confiscation laws.

Radical Leftists across America hate gun owners like you and me, because we are standing up for freedom and are refusing to give up an inch of our freedoms!


That’s why they’re fighting so hard to bring us down.

And that’s why we need your help right now, in the middle of this political brawl!

Please make a contribution IMMEDIATELY to help us combat Shannon Watts, Bloomberg’s groups, the Leftist rag media, the Democrats and the Liz Cheney RINOs in Washington!

I don’t know what you can afford, but we’re in the crucible and we will put to use every penny you can spare from $5 to $5000.


The gun control hearings and votes are kicking off NOW and I’ll have more updates for you very soon.

Please do whatever you can to help.

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners