Jeff Mullis Melts Down – Attacks Gun Owners!

Time is almost out in our fight to pass Constitutional Carry in Atlanta this session; we only have a few days left.

Senator Jeff Mullis, a long-time enemy to gun owners in Atlanta, slow rolled Constitutional Carry in his committee a month ago, and he’s doing it again right now in the Senate Rules Committee!

As you know, we’ve been asking our members to contact the House and Senate Rules Committee Chairmen to pass Constitutional Carry through their committees, so that it can go to the floor for a final vote.

Most lawmakers enjoy hearing from their own constituents. But Jeff Mullis is one of the most arrogant A$$’s that we have ever dealt with in the legislature. So earlier this morning, he began to ATTACK GGO members who told him to pass Constitutional Carry!

Here are two of the dozens of screenshots we’ve received back from GGO members this morning after texting with Jeff Mullis.

Folks, the backstabbing RINOs in Atlanta HATE you! The only reason Constitutional Carry is moving is because they cannot take the heat from your relentless calls, emails and now text messages!

Now it’s time to POUR ON THE HEAT! Help us do that by contacting Jeff Mullis using the information below; demand he move HB-1358 through Committee TODAY!

<<< Text Jeff Mullis here: 423-421-8175 >>>
<<< Call Mullis’ office here: 404-656-0057 >>>
<<< Leave a comment on Mullis’ Facebook Page. >>>
<<< Send Mullis an email using our automated system. >>>

Jeff Mullis may be the one snapping and cursing at gun owners right now, but make no mistake, most of the politicians in Atlanta have the exact same God complex.

So after you contact Jeff Mullis, contact your own State Senator and State Representative as well.

Tell them you’re sick and tired of the delay on Constitutional Carry and make sure they know that if this doesn’t pass this year, they will pay the price!


We’re closer than ever to finishing this fight! But we can’t let up now. Pour the heat on Jeff Mullis, and have your friends and family do the same thing!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. RINO State Senator Jeff Mullis is attacking gun owners who dare to insist that he stop blocking Constitutional Carry in the Senate Rules Committee — as you’ll see in the screen shots above.

Contact this arrogant A$$ today using the information provided above, demand that he stops blocking House Bill 1358 in the Senate Rules Committee!

Then have your friends, family, and gun buddies do the same thing! And if you haven’t done so, become a member of GGO today.