Video: Casey Cagle Blocks Constitutional Carry

Video: Casey Cagle Blocks Constitutional Carry

There’s no better time than now to expose the Second Amendment records of candidates for Governor in Georgia in the May 22 primary election. As you know, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle REFUSED to return his 2018 GeorgiaGun Owners Candidate Survey. But it’s not...
New Governor Poll: Cast Your Vote

New Governor Poll: Cast Your Vote

Georgia Gun Owners has just launched the Official Second Amendment GeorgiaGovernor’s Poll. Please click below to vote for the candidate you would vote for if the May 22primary election was today. We’ll release the results of the poll in the...
Cagle and Kemp Push Aside Gun Owners

Cagle and Kemp Push Aside Gun Owners

Despite thousands of calls and text messages into the Casey Cagle and Brian Kemp for Governor campaigns, both candidates refused to return the Georgia GunOwners Candidate Survey by our Monday deadline. You may remember their original deflection tactic was, “we...
Good News and Bad News

Good News and Bad News

Just got word this morning that Republican Governor Candidate Clay Tippins has returned his Georgia Gun Owners Candidate Survey. He joins State Senator Michael Williams as the second of five Republican candidates for Governor to return their survey. For the official...
Breaking News: First Governor Survey Received

Breaking News: First Governor Survey Received

Earlier today I received a signed Georgia Gun Owners Candidate Survey from State Senator Michael Williams, a Republican candidate for Governor. He filled out the survey 100% in favor of your Second Amendment rights. Here’s a picture just received of Senator...