The 2023 Legislative Session Begins Today!

It’s go time in the fight for freedom!

The 2023 legislative session just kicked off here in Atlanta and with it, our fight to defend and expand the Second Amendment is going into high gear!

Gun owners have accomplished a lot over the last few years, passing Constitutional Carry, crushing Stacey Abrams, and more.

But given what we are facing, this session may be even bigger in terms of our right to keep and bear arms.

Our primary focus must be on the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), which prevents Joe Biden from using Georgia cops to enforce his Executive Orders attacking our gun rights.

But that’s not all.

GGO is also leading an offensive program to enhance our Stand-Your-Ground law and ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in our state!

Passing these three bills would truly make Georgia the best state in the nation for gun owners and our precious Second Amendment!

Throughout this legislative session, Georgia Gun Owners will be giving you firsthand information and the action links you need to make your voice heard in Atlanta.

I know that everyone is busy, and that’s why GGO has developed an incredible ‘Gun Rights Action Center’ that allows you to contact your legislators with 1 click of your mouse.

And with session officially underway, it’s time to start hitting these links and making your voice heard! Please use the links below to take action on each of the fights I have laid out above.

>>> PASS SAPA LAW! <<<



This will be a major year in our fight to keep and bear arms. Most of the politicians in Atlanta respond to one thing, and that’s pressure from their district.

Please help us pour on the pressure!


If you haven’t renewed your membership in Georgia Gun Owners for 2023, please get signed up today!