What we know about Kamala Harris

She’s an idiot, she’ll never get elected.’

‘At least she isn’t Joe.’

‘She can’t string two words together.’

We’ve all read these comments on Facebook and X, and while we agree that her IQ is lower than her “body” count as District Attorney, we don’t agree that Kamala Harris is any less of a threat to gun owners as her predecessors!

In many ways, she’s much worse.  

Our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association, has put together a list of her objectives to destroy the Second Amendment here in America.

You’ve got to read their email down below.

And when you’re done, I hope you’re ready to recommit yourself to the fight to defend our state and country from the Radical Left’s attacks!


First it was Barack Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton in 2016 and then Joe Biden in 2020.

Each Democrat candidate more liberal than the next on the Second Amendment.

All supported gun control on the campaign trail, with their rhetoric becoming increasingly radical as the years went by.

In 2008, rarely would you find a Democrat willing to admit they want to ban, confiscate and destroy firearms.

In 2024, it’s commonplace for them.  They don’t even deny it anymore.  There is legislation in Congress right now to confiscate and destroy firearms.

That brings us to Kamala Harris, the most likely nominee for the Democrat party who will face off against Donald Trump in November.

I can safely say that Harris holds the most left-wing positions on the Second Amendment that our country has ever seen.

Most recently, Joe Biden charged her with the leading the White House Office of Gun Control, a gun control think tank of sorts within the White House.

The majority of Biden’s unconstitutional gun control orders implemented through the ATF have come out of Kamala Harris’ office.

But she has a much longer, storied anti-Second Amendment history.

As the top prosecutor in San Francisco in the early 2000s, Harris worked hand in hand with then Mayor Gavin Newsom on passing and implementing some of the strictest gun controls in the country.

In 2008, she joined with other liberal prosecutors from around the country in an attempt to pressure Supreme Court Justices to reject broader gun ownership for Americans, as was established in the D.C. v Heller decision.

As Attorney General of California, she lobbied for massive increases in funding for a state gun owner database and was one of the first high profile figures to push for a “Red Flag” law in California.

And as a U.S. Senator, before becoming Vice President, Kamala Harris cosponsored legislation to enact National Gun Registration, a so-called “Assault Weapons Ban”, and more resources to crack down on firearms dealers.

Kamala is the epitome of a gun grabber.

David Hogg, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros — they’re all elated that she’s now on the top of the ticket.

She checks all the boxes.

They’re cutting big checks.

And it’s why all of us should be wary of what could happen to our gun rights should she pull off a victory.

Within 48 hours of taking the reins from Joe as the lead Democrat candidate for President, she was running her mouth on the campaign trail demanding gun control.

This isn’t just a side issue for Kamala.  Gun control is a top three issue for her, and she would be far more left-wing than even Biden.

Watch the video:

While it seemed like Joe Biden was a dead man walking and Trump would run all over him, I cannot say that for sure now with Kamala.

Yes, she is an absolute clown and the videos of her are hilarious.

But we must take her seriously now that the Democrats have shed Biden’s drag from the top of their ticket.

Does she bring their shattered left-wing coalition back together?

Does she do better with so-called “independents” than Joe?

I think it’s too early to tell now that the media has set in motion their plan to give her billions of dollars in free advertising and fawning coverage of her at the DNC coming up in August.

While Trump may still be the favorite, this race has gotten a lot tougher, and we should all do everything we can to make sure the radical left does not win in November.

To make sure the American Firearms Association and Georgia Gun Owners have all the financial resources necessary to DEFEAT the gun grabbers in 2024, please chip in below and help us keep up the fight!


For America, 

Patrick Parsons, Executive Vice President
American Firearms Association